Category: books

  • The Start: A Fresh One

    Firstly I start by recapping 2024 by the highlights of the last year: Things I am proud of: – Took my parents for the first time abroad, did a family trip. – Started going to therapy – Went to a sports academy and learnt table tennis from a coach and got decent enough at the…

  • The Bell Jar: Sylvia Plath, Gills

    It’s the middle of the night and I can’t sleep, maybe it’s jet lag or I am sick and awakened. I wanna work till I tire myself out. I start the audiobook of Bell Jar, it’s narrated in a deep nonchalant voice I like by Maggie Gyllenhall, I look her up, remembering the title details…

  • Crossing off one Love at a Time, The Gift Trip (Pt. 3)

    I have come home from the trip and I am sitting in my flat, wondering, pondering of what I could write about my sixteen day trip across Europe. I use the word “across” but it’s only 3-4 cities, Munich in Germany, Amsterdam in Netherlands and Verona and Milano in Italy. The dream to travel around…

  • A Potpourri of Learnings

    Our lives are short, short like a morning run. Phil Knight, Shoe Dog Pick a side: One of the takeaways after some rumination has been, choose an effing side! It sounds morally righteous to be “fair” – be the judge – to give chance to both sides to represent equal facts. What’s the price are…

  • Paint thy Neighbour’s Wall

    We had this one book a week challenge in office and that comes to an end, I pledged 13 books and finished four serially and six are running in parallel, won’t be able to finish them in for the challenge. Was totally worth the experience, especially grateful to my accountability partner, was lovely exchanging our…

  • Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo

    Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid This content may include explicit material. Reader discretion is advised. The intention is not to offend but to have a discourse. Proceed only if you are comfortable with potentially sensitive topics. A beautiful, engrossing, scandalous tale of an old woman.  This book tells the story of…

  • Nineteen Eighty Four

    1984 by George Orwell A dystopian world where you are being watched and heard all the time. You are mind-numbed out by constant telecast, where when you make love to your partner, you are doing “a service to the ruling party”, where your own kids are more loyal to the party than to you where…

  • Proustian Life & Ramblings

    Wisdom can be acquired in two ways. Painfully and Painlessly. Painlessly is when ordained upon us from classrooms and teachers. Painfully is when inflicted by life itself. To have always been respected, means to never understand the nature of human society and humiliation. Wisdom comes to those who have suffered violent misery. But we shouldn’t…

  • Longest novel

    In Search of the Lost Time, by Marcel Proust, is a gigantic novel, spanning seven volumes. It’s reckoned to be the “longest” novel ever written. No, dear readers, I haven’t read it myself yet. I have been listening to Alain De Botton’s audiobook, the creator of the foundation and channel “School of Life”. In Alain…

  • Country to Retire in

    Trip Tldr; Place(s): Hong Kong & Macau Currency: HKD (Hong Kong Dollar) + MOP (Macanese Pataca) Days: New Year’s 2024 I went on a family trip to Hong Kong and Macau for this new year’s, I like the culture, there is mutual respect between every individual. People are helpful and ready to engage, the parks…