Crazy things I did in 2022, Farewell 2022!

Hey! Welcome to my 3rd attempt at using WordPress, it is once again my first post. The tone used is casual ; ) I am cataloguing crazy things that I did or happened in 2022. For this post, the events do follow a chronology from latest to oldest.

A Rooftop Dinner

The Pizza Bakery:  On 11 November, 2022, a Friday evening, I went on a dinner with a colleague, just after the food arrived I wanted to wash my hands. We were at the rooftop floor and I was really tired after a long day at Area83, the restrooms were at the 3rd floor. At first I decided to eat it without washing my hands but then I had an idea. The boundary of the rooftop was decorated with plants. You guessed it right! I took the drinking water glass they gave and washed my hands inside the plants. Hands clean. Mission Accomplished.

Did Social Experiments

This experiment is called “Who gets the bill?”. I went out with a group of six colleagues (5 appearing as females and one male) to a cafe, after finishing the food, one of the female colleagues asked for the bill. The waiter came and handed over the bill to the male colleague (of course it upsets me). From an experience of friend of mine, they do this every time they go out with their friend. And they have started rating restaurants based on this. I think this is a good metric as well as how hygienic the washrooms are. Didn’t get the bill. Mission Failed.

A German Encounter

I have been learning German for a little over a year now, on 3rd November, 2022, when I was coming back from my college convocation, I met two Germans sitting besides me. One can think of that I have been waiting for this encounter to talk to native speakers to test and understand of how good of a German speaker I was. I was a little sleepy at first on the flight but as soon as I heard a familiar language, I was too excited to sleep. Finally I made a conversation and got a compliment for fluent German. Wohoo! Spoke German. Mission Accomplished.

Ich lerne Deutsch jetzt seit als mehr einem Jahr. Am 3, November, 20222, als ich zurück von meinem Universität Abschluss Feiern gekommen bin, zwei Deutsche – eine Frau und ihrem Mann – nächsten zu meinem Platz am Flug gesessen. Man kann sagen dass ich für diese Begegnung lang abwarten um wie gut mein Deutsch ist zu überprüfen. Ich war ein bisschen schläfrig aber sobald ich die ähnliche Sprache gehört habe, war ich wach! Ich war zu aufgeregt, um zu schlafen. Endlich hatte ich ein gutes Gespräch mit den Muttersprachlern geführt. Sie haben mein fließendes Deutsch gelobt. Juhu! Mission erfüllt.

Crashing my own Convocation

Like many other occasions, I delayed filling the registration form for my convocation until the last date has already passed. I decided to go anyway to visit some college friends for the last time, they were going abroad and some I haven’t seen since graduation. I still missed out on seeing some people. I think overall, it wasn’t so bad. I didn’t have to wear a saree, didn’t get to get the degree on-stage, didn’t get to meet the chief guests for 5-10 seconds. I am glad I went anyways : ) I did go and see Tighra Dam, 18 kms from my college city. It was a serene sight and one could see the superimposition of waves and waves coming and going in all every directions.

A Diwali Surprise for my Parents

This surprise is better than the shock I got, getting electrocuted while putting Diwali lights in 2021. That was crazy scary.

I booked tickets to go home just the day before Diwali, it was unplanned even for me. My family thought I was not telling them on purpose because it was a surprise, I was feeling bad to raise their surprise hopes because I wasn’t planning on going. I took the flight because a friend of mine was also going. I reached on the early night of Diwali and called my brother to open the gate. Er hat mich nicht geglaubt! And didn’t come down to open the gates. At first he peeped through the window to check once and then he came down without the keys to check twice and then finally with the keys! My parents were still asleep when I entered the house so I decided to wake them up : D. They were shocked and happy to see me. It was a good Diwali, I helped in re-decorating the house while my brother and mom narrated me about how dad was just crossing and tying a knot with a ferry lights which were not looking good at all 😀

Everyone was happy! Mission Accomplished!

Pitching to be a Board Member

This was a super secret coveted mission. Due to confidential, legal and absurdity reasons, no further information can be revealed for this one. So mission status? Take a guess 😀


Thanks for reading! See you next time! If someone asks when this post was published, you can say any date from 1st week of December.








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