Minecraft, SVG and Care Tasks

I finally played my first minecraft game! It’s such a cool game…only took me few eternities to finally play it. You go to collect stuff like woods in those pixel art cartoons. And then sand to make glass, you first make your crafting table, from woods, you also get to make a boat to cross the river and then make glass using a furnace, you need to create a furnace using iron. And then you also need a bed to sleep in the nights or you stay awake and then you have to protect yourself from the Zombies who come and attack in the night, you can also protect yourself by hiding in the woods, but it’s not sustainable for very long. You can also collect cows, graze cows, reproduce them by giving them wheat, dye the sheep pink. You need wool from the sheep to make bed. Once you die, you respawn again, also best to have stone sword or wood sword for cutting trees and collecting wood or killing zombies.

SVGs is not just an extension which doesn’t pixelate on expanding, it’s an image format for 2D graphics, which has html like format. So basically if you right click inspect source code of the image, you can change it! For example, you downloaded an SVG of an arrow and it’s blue in color. (yk, the usual boring array) now you want to have the arrows in all rainbow colors, so you can inspect the source code or copy the view page source and paste it into VS Code or any editor for that matter. And change the fill attribute of that rect or other polygon or shape.

How to keep house while drowning by KC Davis:
– Care tasks are MORALLY NEUTRAL!
– If your house is not clean or is disorganized doesn’t mean you are a failure!
– There is lot of shame associated with care tasks.
– Care tasks are cyclical, your space should serve you and not vice versa.
– Functional spaces is the key and not the aesthetic.
– If things scattered in the house has a place to go to, they are organized. Tidiness is then just a preference. Better to be organized than tidy.
– The dishes in the sink mean – I have eaten at home consistently.
– The clothes in laundry mean – I have worn fresh clothes everyday.
– The bathroom wet and used means – I have been taking shower regularly.
– Being functional is more important than saving the environment by not ordering food, coz a functional individual can do much more for the environment later on.
– Rest is NOT A REWARD, rest is a right. As children, we got to play after finishing our chores, as an adult the chores never finish. So don’t wait to get yourself some rest!
– Anything worth doing is worth doing partially. (poorly or half-assedly)
– Clean as you go doesn’t work for me.
– Priority of cleaning is based on health first, so doing dishes or collecting trash / throwing trash. Laundry can be done later.
– Create small momentum and it’s okay to stop after 3 dishes.
– DON’T DO laundry just because laundry is full, do laundry if you are running out of clean clothes.
– Self-kindness and compassion is gonna take off the cognitive load / burden associated with doing care tasks.

I am gobbling this book up like nectar after looking for something like this since the last house catastrophe.  Am at 70% in the book. Will add more when I finish. I am immensely grateful to the author for writing this. This should be the handbook to adulthood. Much much needed by the neurospicys.

done for the month,






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