‘Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.”
Alfred Lord Tennyson
A Eulogy to My Dog.
You came, we joyed.
We called, you came.
We left, you yelp
We came, you leapt
You left, we wept.
Our hearts are swilled with tears. Your innocent face will always remain impregnated in our hearts. Your cute innocent face when my mum would scold you, you climbing on top of me as soon as I entered and showering me with love. You loving us all, sparing no one. You looking out of the balcony with your head butting out. I am sorry for all the pain you felt. You were a good dog, Snoopy. I loved you a lot. We all did. And, we miss you.
I wish I could jot down every interaction I ever had with you, so that I don’t lose out on any memory. Nothing becomes too distant. I am afraid of letting your memories fade away into some distant past. I am always afraid of letting go.
And yet that’s the way of life.
Men at Arms by Terry Pratchett
The story matures out greatly from the first part. The personalities are slowly developing. Carrot is no more an idealistic innocent young boy. He has learned the ways of the city and how to live. I liked the character of Carrot in the first book more than the second book. Maybe he has become too smart, and I am not follow his reasons with full confidence why is he doing the things he is doing. Overall the book is good. If you finish reading the first book Guards!Guards! the rest of the books become easy and you become hooked with the style as well as the plot. And the way the problems would be solved. The story involves around the introduction of a new weapon in the city of Ankh Morpork, a gun. And how anyone who holds the gun, calls it to the person and makes the person do things. A voice coming from inside the gun to press the trigger. So much power with such small weapon. I wonder if that’s how it really feels. I have only held the guns in fairs to shoot balloons and tin cans to win prizes.
Piranesi by Susanna Clarke
Piranesi is trapped in the House, a house where all the lost knowledge of the world comes and accumulates. I like the new style of world building. But it was done earlier in the first two chapters which was huge so you kinda have to drudge through it. But then it gets interesting, as soon as new characters are introduced. And how does Piranesi ended up in the house in the first place? And the character of The Other. I think it was a good book with a slow start, maybe the world building could have been done more spread out in the book such that it didn’t feel like a history lesson that you start questioning why are we reading about all the statues and hall numbers.
The Righteous Mind by Jonathan Haidt
Still reading, in the infancy stages of the book.
Thanks for reading so far,
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