Walking Home and other adventures!

Martin Garrix (+x) and the fiery stage!

I attended a Martin Garrix concert this Thursday – 2nd of March- as Friday show was already sold out with a friend for the sake of my love for the song In the Name of Love, and as soon we were about to leave, they played this song. What I observed was the fire lighting up the stage and we were able to feel the heat so far away, about 200 metres or so. And that’s not even the whole of it, as soon as the fire lit up the stage, the whole audience went crazy screaming (including me) – Woohooo – and started dancing intensively. I think that’s a very evolutionary hack. Fire was the best discovery by mankind. And I believe in those days – of wandering from one place to another – fire would have meant another tribe, so either safety to seek help or be prepared to fight. Looking at the fire, we all fell back to our primal instinct and of course the music and beats gave it a safer and excited feeling, we all hooted and cheered.

Going Solo

I finished reading Roald Dahl’s second part in his autobiographic like series. I picked up the first part right after, yes I am reading them out of order.The first part is called Boy. Dahl volunteers as an RAF pilot in World War II. It gave a good perspective of what all was happening at that time in the world. The story-reading experience is amazing, it’s so smooth and easily understandable. Male elephants are called bull elephants and female elephants are called cow elephants or simply cows. I was a bit taken aback, in the book how he looked at the mighty elephants crossing the roads – it said – “the elephant and the cow with their baby were crossing the road” I thought there was some error and took a mental note and later in a German lesson, there was a Bullelefant in Narnia. And someone said, that’s what they are called, so I had my “aha” moment.

Walking Home

I walked from Kundahalini junction (start of Brookefield mall road) till my house, that was around 4.2 kilometres and I walked for about 2.5 hours almost non-stop (took a break of about 20-30 mins). I think I was stress testing myself, anyway I couldn’t get up after I crashed on my bed. I thought of all the people who have walked miles and miles. Like Gandhiji in Dandi March, and he would start walking early mornings to go to different places. It also gave me a good order what comes after one place becoming more directionally aware. Since it was not a regular morning walk routine, I didn’t plug in earphones. And I felt I did wanna do this. I also thought Laal Singh Chadha (indian adaptation of Forrest Gump) – he kept just running for miles.

A movie star 🙂

I took an Ola Cab to office, I had done a not-so-long due headwash, so my hair were still wet and were open. After driving for a while, the cab driver asks me if I work in the movies, he says I look same as the one in a Tamil movie called Commando and she is a “real” hacker. I obviously feel flattered and blush a little. He is quite convinced and asks me to search it. I try searching and Bollywood one takes up most of the search results. So he recommends searching for the specific character, she is called Natasha, he names some actors from the film as well – Ajith, Vivek Oberoi and I get the whole movie in Youtube. I try to peek and skim and see a girl- she has long hair and is looking really pretty. I, on the hand, have shorter hair. I thought there was another character he has been talking about, so I told him that I found the movie but couldn’t find the character. At my drop location, as I am still waiting for the payment confirmation, he plays it on his phone and gives me the phone, it’s the same girl. Haha. That obviously made my day more cheerful.

Side Updates

I wasn’t impacted, nor was my friend from previous post. A couple of team members were, challenging times.


languorous – inactivity, tiredness in a good way. (from Roald Dahl when he was visiting the aerodome, on the way he saw giraffes, he used it to describe them)

demure – modest (again used in the same sentence as above for giraffes)

cognizant – to be aware or have knowledge







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