Nineteen Eighty Four

1984 by George Orwell

A dystopian world where you are being watched and heard all the time. You are mind-numbed out by constant telecast, where when you make love to your partner, you are doing “a service to the ruling party”, where your own kids are more loyal to the party than to you where they snitch you out for one disconcert against the party. Where words are being omitted from dictionary, any “bad” words because you can explain things on the scale of good, plus good, double plus good. Where creating art, writing a book, is against the law. A chilling tale of a dystopian world where two people revolt just by loving each other. And a secret underground organization trying to oppose. A world where everything is controlled, chocolate is rationed to 20g per day. A place where history is constantly rewritten to be in line with the government’s propaganda, where even thinking anything against the government is a crime, a Thought Crime. And there is a department to handle such cases, department of Thought Police. When it comes to your own deepest fears, you are ready to give up everything, even the person whom you hold most dear, and that’s how they win. That’s when they break past your wall of love and protection and that’s when you become truly dead inside. And will cling on to any support, any mercy or compassion shown by anyone, even Big Brother, the very thing you hated.

I heard it on audible and was instantly gripped, not ideal if you are sleepy coz after listening you’d be wide awake! Haha!

A masterwrite indeed.

To put things on a historical timeline. Nineteen Eighty-Four was published in 1949, and Orwell died in 1950. Didn’t get to see 1984, Internet was born in 1983.

More Thoughts.

How by controlling the language, you can control the thinking. So this is my case, I guess, I understand language is a medium, if language were just a medium, we would still be writing code in Assembly. It’s more than that, it’s a way to express yourself, so when one of the languages go extinct that is what is happening. A way to express yourself and your culture is being limited. As we have all experienced, for a lot of words, there is no one to one translation available in English. And reading and writing is a form of time travel, haha it was already there, already possible, just didn’t see it, all this time. Reading a book is travelling across time.

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