Category: travel

  • Country to Retire in

    Trip Tldr; Place(s): Hong Kong & Macau Currency: HKD (Hong Kong Dollar) + MOP (Macanese Pataca) Days: New Year’s 2024 I went on a family trip to Hong Kong and Macau for this new year’s, I like the culture, there is mutual respect between every individual. People are helpful and ready to engage, the parks…

  • The Night Shot

    Caught by thy dark beauty, I am engulfed by you, By the shine you radiate, I envy you, To have known people have reached you, I feel missed out on you, For the dark side of you I cannot see, I feel insecure around you, With each passing, you emerge from the darkness, I am…

  • Crying in H Mart and a Snoopy Day

    Hey some life updates, chronological order not followed :p Life Updates: We got a dog at my home place, this Raksha Bandhan when I went home to meet my parents and brother. My brother came home with a golden retriever, with all the sweet happy moments comes the responsibility of taking care of a living…

  • Invictus and the Rime

    It matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishment the scroll, I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul. Invictus by William Ernest Henley. I listened to the The Rime of the Ancyent Marinere by Samuel Taylor Coleridge before I started scribbling this post up. Then couldn’t…

  • Walking Home and other adventures!

    Martin Garrix (+x) and the fiery stage! I attended a Martin Garrix concert this Thursday – 2nd of March- as Friday show was already sold out with a friend for the sake of my love for the song In the Name of Love, and as soon we were about to leave, they played this song.…

  • Crazy things I did in 2022, Farewell 2022!

    Hey! Welcome to my 3rd attempt at using WordPress, it is once again my first post. The tone used is casual ; ) I am cataloguing crazy things that I did or happened in 2022. For this post, the events do follow a chronology from latest to oldest. A Rooftop Dinner The Pizza Bakery:  On…