“It’s a test” I said, “we just met and now you are going away”
“We are both doings things, we love”, said she and then left. That’s not the point, even she was able to tell that I love travelling.
“When you are travelling, you are running away from something, after a while, the cultures and places aren’t offering what the first place offered” I said, to this beautifully perfumed person. She said, “So, what are you doing, trying to find?” I explain to her, how I once heard someone say, “if you have never seen a BMW, you would never know if you wanna buy it”, she remarks “So you are seeing the BMW’s of the world” and I smilingly nod at her 🙂
Peaceful, quiet, sometimes the silence is almost deafening. I remember once my brother asked, “Can you hear the sound of silence?” and maybe telling how he likes it. It got me concerned for a while. It’s for deep work, you are alone but comfortable, you can focus on yourself, time passes at the rate you want it to. And there are/will be enough activities for you.
Hellabrunn Zoo:
My first time visiting a zoo, I loved it!
I love zoos, no I didn’t think they were living sadly in captivity, maybe the apes and gorrillas, they seemed to be more aware and more encased.
Nymphenburg Castle:
I attended a concert performing Johann Strauss, super classy, I felt under-dressed. I went in a hoodie and jeans.
Haus De Kunst:
Went to an exhibition called Pussy Riots, feminism, riots and protests in Russia.
Englischer Garten (Eisbachwelle):
People were doing surfing on the river, they were failing and trying again in the cold water, you don’t have to be on a sunny beach to do it, people do it in the middle of night, trying to be better, it was inspiring, their efforts, they were failing publicly and they were getting back up too! And I happy out of the three people, there was a girl too.
Englischer Garten (Monopteros Dome):
Just at a small hill top, inside the garden, a chess piece like structure built by some king to commemorate the ancestors. Got a muscle cramp while walking down the stairs.
It’s a draft-published as is, because I don’t think I will be able to make out time. This is the first part of the trip. More organized.
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